In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

“The Memory of Ghadir”
It was Friday and people were awaiting him to recite a sermon. He reviewed the memory of that day [years ago] in his mind. What a great day it was! Amongst of hundred twenty thousand people, the beloved of Allah called him to a pulpit made of camels’ saddles, raised his hand and appointed him as his successor in front of every one and …
Many years have passed since that pleasant event and people’s unpleasant promise breaking. Now, they have come to him begging and calling him Amir al-Mu’minin. While reviewing these sweet and bitter memories, he proceeded to the mosque. The day was coincided with the anniversary of Eid al-Ghadir and it was a good opportunity to remind that day to people in order to explain the event’s purposes, specifications and rituals.
He entered the mosque and ascended the pulpit. He praised Allah (SWT) in a way that no one had heard before, and then he mentioned the name of his brother, the prophet of Allah (PBUH&HP) and sent regards to him.
Afterwards, he continued by mentioning the characteristics of the true successors of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) whom they are all the servants of Allah (SWT) and do not speak without His permission and are always acting upon His orders.
People were attentively listening and scribers were writing carefully since it was Ali (PBUH), the caliph of Muslims who was delivering the sermon:
“O believers! Allah (SWT) has honored you with two great feasts … He has set Friday as the day of gathering for prayer (Salat al-Jomaa’h) and called everyone to attend … It is also the day that believers meet with each other …
Be aware that believing in monotheism is not accepted except by admitting Muhammad (PBUH&HP) as the messenger of Allah; and no believes and deeds are accepted except by consenting the guardianship1 of the person that Allah (SWT) has appointed as people’s guardian (Wali).
And no one is going to succeed in the obedience of Allah (SWT) unless he is successful in asking Him and assistance of the guardians2. In other words, the ones whom Allah (SWT) sent signs and evidences about on the day of Ghadir3 … Therefore Allah (SWT) completed His religion and consequently, pleased His prophet, believers and future followers. All these happened in the event of Ghadir that some of you witnessed then and some of you received the news about it afterwards.”
He continued with mentioning some of the characteristics of this great feast. He also explained the meaning of disobedience of Allah (SWT) and being on the path of Him. He finally advised some of the rituals of Eid al-Ghadir: “This gathering is over now and you are going to go to your homes. Be easy [kind] with your family and be nice to your brothers. Thank Allah (SWT) because of this blessing He granted you. Indeed, Allah (SWT) rewards in this day several times more than He rewards in other Eid occasions. You cannot find such rewards in other days than Eid al-Ghadir. Once you meet each other, greet kindly [shaking hands compassionately with friends and believers] and congratulate one another upon the blessing you were granted in this day. Whoever present now should deliver my message to anyone who is absent. Wealthy people should care about the people in need and the ones with the power should notice powerless people. The holy prophet (PBUH&HP) has ordered these to me.”4
Then he descended the pulpit while the memory of that pleasant day on which the beloved of Allah (SWT) raised his hand was still in his mind …
As mentioned, Imam Ali (PBUH) explained the close connection of Towhid (monotheism) and Wilayah (succession and guardianship after the Prophet). He also remarked that guarding the religion depends on following the selected guardians who succeeded after the Messenger of Allah. And finally he accounted Ghadir as the phenomena, which marked the completion of religion as it clarified the topic of guardianship of Islam.
Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims and especially you dear friend
On the 18th of Dhil Hijjah, the Greater Eid
Eid al-Ghadir
Day of Completion of Religion, by the Announcement of Guardianship of Amir al-Mu’minin (PBUH)
1. The guardianship addressed is after the succession of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) in which Allah (SWT) selects the guardian.
2. After believing in one God and prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) as the messenger and the guardians (PBUT) as the core of beliefs, comes the stage practice and obedience. Succeeding on obedience towards Allah occurs by asking the Lord for such opportunity and following the path illuminated by the guardians who are essentials the twelve Imams and Leaders (PBUT).
3. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) (by the command of Allah) mentions the name of the twelve guardians (explicitly) who are Ali ibn Abitalib and his eleven sons (PBUT). This took place in the day of Ghadir (18 Zil Hajjah).
4. “Misbah al- Motehajjid and Silah al- Moteabbed”, vol. 2, p.752 / Mostadrik Nahj al-Bilaqa, First Chapter, p.67