In the Name of the Most High

A Pure Servant
Imam Baqir (PBUH) was a pure servant of Allah (SWT). He always had Allah (SWT) in his mind and spent all his time to worship Him. Nothing could prevent him from the pure worship he made to Allah (SWT). Aflah, who was a companion of the Imam, narrates: I saw Imam Baqir (PBUH) near Kabah while he was crying heavily. I told him: “May my parents be sacrificed for you! People are looking at you. It is more appropriate to cry quietly.” He told me in response: “Woe unto you, Aflah! Why should not I cry loudly? Allah (SWT) might pay attention to me mercifully and I would achieve salvation on the Day of Judgment by His mercy.” He also said: “Before Allah (SWT), nothing is more desirable than asking Him for requests. Praying has such great impact that nothing would change the fate except through praying.” (1)
Regarding what mentioned, Imam Sadiq (PBUH) narrates: “Whenever something distressed my father, he would gather his whole family (women and children). Then he would pray and ask them to say Amen.” (2)
In another narration, Musa Ibn Akil says: “Once some of the friends and I came to the house of Imam Baqir (PBUH) that we heard some one’s heartbreaking prayer in Hebrew. When we visited Imam, we asked him about that person who was praying and crying in the house. He said: It was myself. I remembered one the prayers of Iliya (the name of a prophet sent to Bani Israel) that made me cry”. (3)
The narrations mentioned above are just a few examples of Imam’s beautiful prayers with his Lord. Let us ask ourselves, how much time we do spend to talk to our Creator by the means of prayers.
(Selection from: A glimpse to Imam Baqir’s life, by “Mohammad Mohammadi Eshtehardi”)
The Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims, especially you dear friend, on the birth anniversary of the divider of the knowledge and the role model in worshiping Allah (SWT),
Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir (PBUH)
Roshd Islamic Shia Webiste
1- “Kashf al-Qommah”, vol.2, p.319 & 320 – (In some narrations it says “Prophet Ilyas”)
2- Mohades Ghomi, “Anwar al- Bahiyyah”, p.214 & 215/ “Kashf al-Qommah”, vol.2, p.319 / “Bihar al-Anwar”, vol.46, p.297 & 298
3- “Bihar al-Anwar”, vol.46, p.294