In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Soul Health
“And peace on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life” (1).
Imam Reza (PBUH) said,” There are three critical stages for every human being: The time of birth, the time of death, and the time of entering the Day of Judgment” (2). When a person enters this vast world from the closed world of the womb of his/her mother, he faces an unknown destiny, and if he enters this world safely, he starts the new life in ease. Entering the next world after death is the first terrifying moment for person where he will be in peace if he passes this stage safely. Finally, if one is resurrected safely on the Day of Judgment, he will be in peace and ease forever (of course only those who have passed the previous stages safely will be safe on the Day of Judgment and remain in peace forever).
These three stages are extremely critical. Every human has a difficult way to reach the Day of Judgment safely. According to the Holy Quran, Prophet Jesus (PBUH) was and will be absolutely safe in all these three stages.
The Holy Quran states that Prophet Jesus (PBUH) described his life with emphasis on his safety in this world, the Hereafter, and the Day of Judgment with the following statement: “And peace on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life”(3).
The safety and well-being mentioned here is the safety of the soul, not the safety of body or physical well-being or comfort. Although Prophet Jesus (PBUH) suffered a lot of difficulties and pains (as the Hoy Quran explains some of his challenges and troubles in verse 52 of Chapter 3), he passed all these difficulties safely. It means that no incident could get Prophet Jesus’ (PBUH) pure heart occupied or harm his religion. Therefore, the safety of the soul is totally different than the well-being and comfort of the body.
An evidence for this claim is a similar statement by Prophet Jesus (PBUH) about Prophet Yahya (PBUH), the martyr, where he said,” And peace on him on the day he was born, and on the day he dies, and on the day he is raised to life”(5). The meaning of greeting Prophet Yahya (PBUH) with such statement is that he lived safely in the world, even though as the history has narrated, he was brutally martyred and his blessed head was cut off his body by a dissolute person among the children of Israel and taken to another dissolute person as a gift. Although Prophet Yahya (PBUH) was martyred, he reached his destination safely. Therefore, by saying safely, we mean leaving this world with a sound heart, and entering the Hereafter with faith and a healthy soul.
One who connects with his Lord with sound heart will meet his Lord with a sound heart too. Such a person is blessed by Allah (SWT), even though he suffers in his life, is accused, or is threatened to be burnt. Allah (SWT) sends blessings on a person whose heart and faith reach their destination safely.
Prophet Jesus (PBUH) was such a person, and his life exemplifies the safety of the soul in the three critical stages of every person’s life (this world, after death, and the Day of Judgment).
(The above is a selection taken from “Interpretation of the Holy Quran (vol. 7)”, by Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli (with some changes and additions))
The Roshd Website congratulated all Monotheists of the world, especially you dear friend, upon the birthday of the chosen Messenger of Allah, Prophet Jeses (PBUH).
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1. The Holy Quran (19, 33)
2. Tafsir Noor al-Thaqalayn, vol. 3, p. 327
3. The Holy Quran (19, 33)
4. “But when Jesus perceived unbelief (and objection) on their part, he said: “Who will be my helpers 9in preaching) in Allah's way?” The disciples said: “We are helpers of Allah”…(The Holy Quran (3, 52))
5. The Holy Quran (19, 15)