In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

"Time of Entreaty"
It was the Eid of Ad'ha and many people were celebrating; and perhaps most of them paid no attention to the real meaning of this festival. However, Imam Sajjad (PBUH) started his day of festival with prayers to the Lord; he asked Allah (SWT) to accept his Hajj pilgrimage and other supplications, and bestow him His mercy and forgiveness. An excerpt of this prayer is as follows:
"O Allah! This is a blessed and fortunate day within which the Muslims are gathered in the quarters of Your earth. Among them are present the asker, the seeker of Your mercy, those who yearn for Your generosity and grace, and those who fear Your wrath and punishment. So I ask You by Your munificence to fulfill my insignificant need with Your generosity, and that You send your blessings upon Muhammad and his Household.
O Allah! You are the Lord of the universe and the only king in the existence; praise belongs only to You; there is no god but You; the Patient, the Generous, the All-loving, the All-kind, Possessor of majesty and munificence… I ask You that whenever You wanted to divide good, bounty, health, well-being, beneficence, blessing, guidance, and deeds in obedience to You among Your servants, or any good through which they become guided to You or their ranks with You get elevated, or bestow mercy upon them in this world and the Hereafter, give me amply my share and allotment of it…
O Allah, people arrange, prepare, and put themselves in difficulty to be received by a creature in hope of his support and awards. So O my Master! Today is my arrangement, my making ready, my preparation, and my drawing up in hope of Your pardon, forgiveness, kindness, and bestowment. O Lord! So send Your blessings upon Muhammad and his household, and disappoint not my hope in this day of Eid…"
The above phrases are excerpts from Imam Sajjad's (PBUH) supplication on Eid of Ad'ha, humbly supplicating to his Lord. The supplication teaches us that celebrations are a great opportunity to stand aside from our routine distractions and pure leisure, to focus on deeper matters, and to initiate a heart to heart communication with our Gracious Lord.
(The above is a selection taken from "The Life of Zain al-A'bidin (PBUH)", by late scholar Baqir Sharif Qurashi)
The Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims and Monotheists, especially you dear friend, upon
Eid al-Ad'ha,
the day of hoisting the flag of obedience on the base of humanity.
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