In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

“A Repeated Conspiracy!”
Although we have seen and heard in the past few years that the Divine Guardians, especially the Messenger of mercy, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), have been ridiculed and mocked, it is interesting to realize that based on the Holy Quran and even the scriptures of Christianity and Judaism, insulting the Prophets has a long story.
For instance, we read in the Old Testament, book of Chronicles 2,” The Lord, the God of their fathers, sent word to them through his messengers again and again, because he had pity on his people and on his dwelling place; But they mocked God’s messengers, despised his words and scoffed at His prophets until the wrath of the Lord was aroused against his people and there was no remedy (1)”.
Or in regards with mocking and insulting Prophet Jesus (PBUH), the New Testament narrates, “And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him. And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? And many other things blasphemously spake they against him (2)”.
The Holy Quran also refers to the lives of the previous Prophets and their challenges with the ignorant, fanatic people in several verses in order to comfort Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and the believers for the difficulties they faced. For example, it says,” And certainly We sent Messengers among the first nations; however, (the people were so obstinate that) there never came a Messenger to them but they mocked him (3)”.
According to the Holy Quran, ridiculing and mocking the Prophets was done for various purposes:
1- To destroy the dignity of the Prophets and to disperse the truth-seeking people who had gathered around them.
2- As an indication of their weakness and inability to oppose the strong logic of the Divine Messengers. In fact, since these people were unable to answer the logical proofs of the Prophets, they chose the reaction of irrational, ignorant people, i.e. mockery.
3- Because the Prophets were revolutionary people who fought against the disturbed condition of the society and wanted to change the false traditions. However, the ignorant fanatics who deemed those false traditions to be eternal had no choice but to resist this reform and mock the Prophets.
4- In order to cover their slept conscience so that it might not be awakened and cause responsibility. In fact, accepting the call of the Prophets resulted in restriction of their carnal desires and brought about new responsibilities for them. Therefore, they use mockery to avoid taking these responsibilities.
5- Because many of the Prophets were poor people and had simple lives. The ignorant people, who considered dignity to be in one’s cloth, vehicle, or house, were surprised by the fact that a poor person could become the leader and guide of an entire nation including wealthy and poor people. Therefore, they ridiculed and mocked those leaders.
Despite all these mocking and ridiculing, Allah (SWT) sends His words and Messengers to the disbelievers so that the argument becomes complete on them, and they would not have any excuse. As such, the Holy Quran says,” Thus do We make it (verses of the Quran) to enter into the hearts of the guilty; however, (despite all the preaching, emphasis, logical proofs, and miracles) they (fanatic mockers) do not believe in it, and indeed the example of the former people has already passed (they were such too) (4)”.
The reaction of those who have chosen the path of mocking and ridiculing truth has been, and will be nothing but obstinacy and animosity. The Holy Quran describes their obstinacy on falsehood and immersion in desires as “even if they see the Divine signs clearly in front of them, they would question their eyesight instead of accepting them(5)”.
It is not so shocking that a human might reach this level of stubbornness and obstinacy; because the pure innate of human being which can comprehend the truth becomes gradually filthy through sins, ignorance, and animosity. Of course removing this darkness is easy at the first stages; however, if this state penetrates the soul and becomes a “habit”, it would not be easy to clear it. This is the state where the reality changes in man’s view, to the extent that even the most convincing logical proofs or the most clear sensible sings do not leave an effect on the heart, and it leads to denial of the proofs and signs.
Therefore, the opposition of the followers of falsehood against the Prophets and making plots to fool people and disperse them from surrounding the Prophets is neither a new phenomenon nor limited to a specific time or location. As understood from the Holy Quran, these conspiracies and plots have been going on among the deviate nations from the oldest of times. Hence, we should not fear, become disappointed or desperate, or be terrified by the troubles the enemies cause. This is an effective comfort for all those following the path of truth.
If we think that we can preach the word of truth raise the flag of justice at any place or time without being opposed by the stubborn enemies, we are completely mistaken. The Prophets in general, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) as their highest in rank, and all their true followers never became disappointed by these oppositions; rather they continued their right path with determination. We shall never be disappointed either; rather we have to increase the depth of our faith and willpower through logic and proof, and defend truth as much as we can.
(The above is a selection of “Tafsir Nemooneh”, by Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi (with some changes and additions))
The Roshd Website, along with all the Monotheists and freemen of world, strongly condemns mocking and insult towards the Divine guardians and the Prophets, especially Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP),
and expresses its utmost respect towards his honor.
Please note that a new page with the topic of “Condemning insult towards the Divine guardians” will be launched soon on our website.
Roshd Islamic Shia Website
1- The Old Testament, 2 Chronicles 36:15-16
2- The New Testament, Luke 22:63 – 65
3- The Holy Quran (15, 10-11)
4- The Holy Quran (15, 12-13)
5- The Holy Quran (15, 15)