In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

the Quest for Wisdom
Sometimes realities
are greater than what we have imagined. So many times knowledge beyond those
realities can open new doors on us. Wisdom is one of these matters.
We are all aware
with the definition of wisdom and we find it to be one of the greatest
blessings Allah (SWT) has blessed us with. But we often attribute wisdom only with
discerning truth from falsity only in theoretical matters. However, if we research
the teachings of our religion, we will reach deeper insights on this concept.
The Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) have recognized
wisdom not only as a strong tool in the path of insight and knowledge, but also
as an applicable tool in practical matters. Also, they have considered
people’s use of this blessing much effective in way of living and practice
of people.
So how does a person
who benefits from this blessing live? Can we escalate our wisdom to the best
of its ability? What matters can hinder such wisdom?
Imam Kadhim (PBUH) has talked about
this issue in a narrative in which he addresses Hisham ibn Hakam (1).
A part of the Hadith is as follows, “O Hisham ibn Hakam! Verily Allah (SWT) has completed His
arguments on people through their wisdom. O' Hisham! Allah (SWT) has reproached
those who do not think by saying, ‘For the worst of beasts in the sight of
Allah are the deaf and the dumb, those who understand not (2)”.
Hisham! Allah (SWT) has not sent His Prophets
(PBUT) to the people for
any purpose but for them to become wise by His help. So the person who best
accepts this invitation of Allah (SWT) is the one that knows Allah (SWT) the best, and the most
knowledgeable of Allah’s (SWT) affairs amongst people is the wisest of them. And the wisest of
them has the best status in this world and the hereafter.
Hisham! The small
act of the wise person is accepted and multiplied, while the many acts of him
who is ignorant and worships his desires are not accepted.
Hisham! Luqman has
told his son, ‘Be humble towards truth so that you be the most wise amongst
people... O son! The world is a deep sea where many have drowned; your ship in
this sea must be piety, its load must be faith, its sail must be
trust in Allah, its captain must be wisdom, its guide must be knowledge,
and its rudder must be patience.’
Hisham! The wise
leave the unnecessary matters of the world, let alone the sins, even though
leaving the unnecessary matters of the world is a virtue and not sinning is
Hisham! Amir al-Mu'minin
(PBUH) has said, ‘Allah (SWT) has not been
worshiped by anything better than wisdom. And wisdom is not complete
without the following components: people are safe from his harm, and hopeful to
his help; he gives from the extra of his wealth and keeps his unnecessary words
to himself; his wealth is enough for his life and cannot get enough of
knowledge; he loves the humbleness in the path of Allah (SWT) more than honor in
a path empty of Allah (SWT); he gives great value to the small kindness of others, and he
sees his own great kindness very small; and he sees all people better than
himself and himself the worst. And this is the bottom line.
Hisham! Whoever
wants to feel fulfilled without money, and have a heart without jealousy, and a
healthy faith, must humbly ask Allah (SWT) to accomplish his wisdom. Because
whoever has wisdom will be satisfied by what suffices him, and whoever is
content with the minimum wealth required in this life will have no needs,
whereas he who is not content with what he has will never be free from want.
Hisham! Whoever does
the following three things has helped his desire ruin his wisdom: he who
darkens his wisdom with long term dreams; he who replaces his wise words with
useless words; and he who extinguishes the power of learning a lesson with his
lust. Such a person has ruined his wisdom with his desire and he has ruined
both his life in this world and in the next.
Hisham! Everyone
sees the stars, but only those who know the movements and paths of the stars
can find their way (on the ground). As such, everyone can learn wisdom, but
no one will be guided by his wisdom except those who practice that wisdom.”
(Selection taken from “Usul Kafi, The
Book of Knowledge and Ignorance”, by Scholar Muhammad ibn Ya'qub Kulaini)
Roshd Website
congratulates the seventh of safar, the birth anniversary of the seventh Divine
leader, and source of wisdom, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (PBUH) to all Muslims
around the world, especially you dear friend.
Islamic Shia Website
Hisham ibn Hakam was one of the special companions of Imam Sadiq and Imam
Kadhim (PBUH).
The Holy Quran (8:21-22)