In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Promised Amongst Emancipators
long ago, there were some Jews who hoped for an independent government. The
history of the Jews, and their long yearning for the promised Messiah is
reflected in Torah or what the Christians call the Old Testament.
This savior
whom everyone hoped for his appointment was called “Masih” or “Messiah”,
meaning “the chosen by God”.
in Hebrew is “Maashih”, which is the metaphor for the king. For the Jews, using
the holy ointment, like crowning and taking the sword, was among the customs in
the ceremony of coronation. When they chose someone for kingship, the cleric
put oil on his head as a part of religious ceremony. Therefore the Jews used to
title a king or a celebrity as Messiah.
many years of waiting, God advantaged Mary to the people, and granted her a
child called Jesus (PBUH) that was appointed to prophethood. He revealed his miracles to
prove that he was a Prophet for the salvation of man. On the
contrary to what the Jews hold, Christianity was indeed a religion, as it
claims to link the man to God. The head of this link is Jesus Christ (PBUH).
must be reminded is that all the prophets approved the prophethood of the
previous prophets. However, some of them voided the previous religion. But
Jesus (PBUH) did not annul the
Torah, and further confirmed it. He, in fact, modified some rules of the
religion of Prophet Moses (PBUH). For example, he legitimized some lawful goods, which were
illegalized due to the conditions of the time of Prophet Moses (PBUH). Therefore, the
Christians do not reject the prophethood of Prophet Moses (PBUH), and respect the
the reverse is not true. Because when Prophet Jesus was born, the Jews accused
Mary to many calumnies, as if she was a sinful woman. On the other hand, the
Christians hold a surprising view to Prophet Jesus (PBUH). Jesus (PBUH), the founder of
Christianity, is looked at as a god who has willed to live as a human among
people. (1)
the Holy Quran views these matters differently. The Holy Quran counts the
terrible accusations of the Jews to Mary as a “Great calumny”, and strongly
criticizes the Jews for that, and says: “And for their disbelief and for their
uttering against Mary a grievous calumny, we will punish them.“ (2)
there is another point which the Holy Quran makes, and that is the hints that
shows that Prophet Jesus (PBUH) knew himself as a servant of Allah (SWT), and renounced the
idea of his divinity, and discouraged the people in worshipping him, and
encouraged them to worship God:
* “He
said I am the servant of God”(3)
Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him, This is the right Path.”
told them only what You commanded me to say, that: `You shall worship GOD, my
Lord and your Lord.' I was a witness among them for as long as I lived with
them. When You terminated my life on earth, You became the Watcher over them.
You witness all things.” (5)
verses show that somehow the whispers of Jesus’ divinity had been heard during
his lifetime too, and that he had opposed them.
to the contents of the Holy Quran, the Great Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP)
explains the opinion of Islam regarding the viewpoints of the Jews and the
Christian as such: “Regarding Prophet Jesus, two parties failed. First, the
Jews that counted him as an enemy to an extent which they blamed him, and
second, the Christians that loved him to an extent that placed him as God. (6)
As the
last word, what is important is that in order to arrive at a progressed
society, we should respect each other’s rights with an external approach to our
beliefs.(7) However, peaceful coexistence between the divine
religions, or even different schools, should not hinder precise and critical
inquiry of different beliefs. Therefore, to reach answers, we should study and
research the beliefs, and for sure, helping the seekers of truth is assured
promise of God.
(Selection taken from the book “Islam, the
Preferred Faith”, by Alireza Masjedjame’i)
The Roshd website congratulates the birthday anniversary of the
confirmer of Prophet Moses (PBUH) and the one who glad tided the arrival of the Prophet of Islam, Prophet
Isa/Jesus (PBUH) the son of Maryam/Mary (PBUH) to all the world and you dear friend.
Islamic Shia Website
For more information please refer to Niqie Credo which is written in 325 AD
2. The Holy Quran, (4: 156)
3. The Holy Quran, (19: 156)
4. The Holy Quran, (43: 156)
5. The Holy Quran, (6: 156)
6. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 35, p. 322
7. Nevertheless, some faiths are leader in this
field. For example Islam and Shiism strongly advocate the rights of human being
and teach the followers special teachings in this respect.