Question:What are the recommendations of the Holy Quran with respect to parents? Answer: Respecting parents and showing the proper behavior towards them are issues that are considered very important to Allah (SWT). As a result, a considerable number of verses in the Holy Quran and narrations from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and his progeny are dedicated about parents. In browsing these verses and narrations, one may find that many of the explanations and expressions about respect to parents are very astonishing, and are not said about other topics.
Eid Ghadir
A tradition referenced in Sahih Muslim which was narrated by 'Tariq Ibn Shihab': A group of Jews told the second caliph that: If the Jewish community had been revealed a verse like “This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you†and we knew the day in which the verse was descent, we would have considered that day as a great festival.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP):
Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein; Allah loves him who loves Hussein.
Musnad Ahmad Vol.4 P. 172, Sunan Ibn Majeh Vol.1 P. 51
Sunan Tirmadhi Vol.5 P. 342
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